var twitchIRC = function (username, oauth, options) { "use strict"; var nick = username, auth = 'oauth:' + oauth, // auth = ''+oauth, options = options || [], AutoRejoin = options.AutoRejoin || false, channels = options.channels || [], channelsConnected = channels, triggers = {}, ws; // Can Websockets work if (!("WebSocket" in window)) { // The browser doesn't support WebSocket throw { name: "Web Sockets Unsupported", message: "Your browser does not support web sockets! Please update your browser!" }; } // Tools function is_array(array) { // Check the array is an object return typeof array === "object"; } function indexOf(array, find) { var i; // Confirm that the array exists and it is an array if (array === "undefined" || !is_array(array)) { return false; } // Search the array for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { // If it is what you are looking for return the position if (array[i] === find) { return i; } } // If it is not found return -1 return -1; } // Events function on (event, callback) { if (!triggers[event]) { triggers[event] = []; } triggers[event].push(callback); } this.on = on; function fire (event, params) { var i; if (triggers[event]) { for (i in triggers[event]) { triggers[event][i].apply(null,, 1)); } } } // Let us open a web socket // ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); //alert(location.href.indexOf(":")); ws = new WebSocket("wss://"); // Main join, part & messageing functions function join (channel) { // Remove trailing spaces channel = channel.trim(); // Add the '#' if in infront of channel if (channel.substr(0, 1) !== "#") { channel = "#" + channel; } // Send the command ws.send("JOIN " + channel); } this.join = join; function part (channel) { // Remove trailing spaces channel = channel.trim(); // Add the '#' if in infront of channel if (channel.substr(0, 1) !== "#") { channel = "#" + channel; } // Send the command ws.send("PART " + channel); } this.part = part; function msg (channel, message) { // Remove trailing spaces channel = channel.trim(); // Add the '#' if in infront of channel if (channel.substr(0, 1) !== "#") { channel = "#" + channel; } // Send the command ws.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" +message); } this.msg = msg; function whisperTo (user, message) { // Remove trailing spaces user = user.trim(); // Send the command // ws.send("PRIVMSG #srwfe :/w " + user + " " + message); ws.send("PRIVMSG #jtv :/w " + user + " " + message); } this.whisper = whisperTo; // On connection log in ws.onopen = function () { var i; // Web Socket is connected, send data using send() ws.send('PASS ' + auth); ws.send('NICK ' + nick); // Request all capibilities ws.send('CAP REQ'); // Join initial channels for (i in channels) { // Check the channel is not lost if (channels.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Join the channel join(channels[i]); } } }; // Parse all messages ws.onmessage = function (evt) { // Collect the message from the event var messages =, // Split the message to single lines messages = messages.trim().split("\n"), // Declare the rest of the used variables i, array, message, tags; // Loop through all possible lines for (i in messages) { // Check the line is still there if (messages.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Emit the "raw" event fire("raw", messages[i].trim()) // Split the line down into tags, host, command, channel & message array = /(?:@([^ ]*) )?:([a-zA-z0-9!@_.]+) ([A-Z0-9]+) ([^ \r\n]+)(?:(?: :)?(.*))?/g.exec(messages[i].trim()); // If the regex worked if (array !== null) { // Construct the 'constants' in a message // alert( array[1]); message = { 'host': array[2], 'command': array[3], 'channel': array[4], 'raw': messages[i].trim() }; // If the message has tags if (typeof array[1] !== "undefined") { // Create a place to store the tags tags = {}; // Split the tags into individual tags array[1] = array[1].split(";"); // Go through every tag for (i in array[1]) { // Check that the tag is there if (array[1].hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Open the tag's key and value array[1][i] = array[1][i].split("="); // Assign the value to the correct key and add to tags array tags[array[1][i][0]] = array[1][i][1]; } } // Add tags to the message array message.tags = tags; } // If there is a message put it in the array if (typeof array[5] !== "undefined") { if (/\u0001ACTION (.*)\u0001/.test(array[5])) { message.action = true; message.message = /\u0001ACTION (.*)\u0001/.exec(array[5])[1]; } else { message.action = false; message.message = array[5]; } } // Pull usernames from host if (/(?:(.+)!\1@\1\.) { message.user = /(?:(.+)!\1@\1\.)[1]; } } else { // Check to see if is a PING if (messages[i].trim() === "PING") { // Respond to PING ws.send("PONG"); // Give a nicer message message = "PING - PONG"; } } // Emit the "join" event if (message.command === "JOIN") { fire("join",, message.user); } // Emit the "part" event else if (message.command === "PART") { fire("part",, message.user); } // Emit the "message" event else if (message.command === "PRIVMSG" && message.action !== true) { fire("message",, message.user, message.message); fire("message_with_tags",, message.user, message.message,message.tags); } // Emit the "message" event else if (message.command === "PRIVMSG" && message.action === true) { fire("action",, message.user, message.message); } } } }; ws.onclose = function () { // Websocket is closed. console.log("Connection is closed..."); // If autorejoining is needed if (this.AutoRejoin === true) { } }; };